So my governor Charlie Baker has now shut down all non-essential businesses for 2 weeks so it is official we are in.  I now fear the grocery store a bit and will wait until I have exhausted the majority of my supplies before heading out.  I am lucky though because I stocked up on a wide variety of produce the last time I did venture out and I realized afterwards that many of my choices had naturally long lives making them ideal choices for this pandemic.  The goal is to have as little contact as possible with the outside world, whether you are going out to shop or using delivery services.  So when shopping try and do enough for a week at a time and consider these produce suggestions which easily last 7 days in the refrigerator.  Unless they are on sale and you plan to eat them right away avoid purchases of fresh berries, fragile greens and perfectly ripe fruits. This is not a time for waste and you want to make sure your family is getting all the vitamins and minerals they need to keep our immune systems strong so fresh vegetables and fruits are key.


  1. cabbage (lots of sales to due to St. Patty’s day glut)
  2. winter squashes
  3. sweet potatoes
  4. onions, shallots, garlic (allium family)
  5. carrots
  6. brussel sprouts
  7. pineapple
  8. green bananas
  9. apples
  10. citrus (oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes)

Hopefully you have some produce supplies left and this recipe is a great way to use up whatever you have on hand and since it is getting chopped up fine and mixed with a bunch of other veggies it is ok if it is a little past its prime.


2 tablespoons olive oil

1 teaspoon sesame oil

4 scallions

1 small head of cabbage (any variety) (about 2 cups chopped)

1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger

3 carrots grated, about 1 cup

3 tablespoons good quality soy sauce (I prefer tamari)

¼ cup oat bran or bread crumbs

½ cup chopped fresh cilantro

1 package of wonton wrappers ( nasoya is a good brand)

a beaten egg for an egg wash or corn starch and water for a vegan option

1. In a saucepan heat both oils then toss in scallions and sauté for 1 minute, add Bok choy and ginger and sauté for another 2 minutes.

2. Add grated carrot and sauté for 1 minute, then add soy sauce and continue to cook for another minute. Turn off and stir in oat bran or bread crumbs, if mixture seems to dry add a bit more soy sauce, if it seems to wet add a bit more bread crumb.

3. Lay out wonton skins and spoon in 1 teaspoon filling. Brush 2 touching sides with egg wash and fold into a triangle.

4. Brush the peak of the triangle and fold in the other 2 sides to shape the wonton.

At this point you can either drop the wontons into boiling stock for a delicious soup.  Steam them or even put on a cookie sheet and spray with olive oil and bake at 425 for 10 to 15 mins until the skins are crispy.

Serve immediately with dipping sauce.

Dipping Sauce suggestions: Duck Sauce, Soy Sauce, Peanut butter and soy sauce blended together, or whatever you like!




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The Optimal Kitchen, Heather T. Bailey, CNC
PO Box 1165, East Orleans Cape Cod, MA 02643
774-216-9553 • EMAIL